
According to CDC data and US Census Bureau, about 28 million people (9%) in the US were uninsured in 2016.
The 2020 US Cancer Statistics data indicates in 2017(most Recent data), 1,701,315 new diagnosis and 599,099 died of this disease.

January 1, 2017, an estimated 11.6 million Americans were alive with a history of invasive cancer diagnosed in the past 16years.

Note: these numbers exclude in situ cancers, benign and borderline brain and central nervous system tumors, and basal and squamous cell skin cancers.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Medical Expenditure Panel Survey estimates that 2017, direct medical costs for cancer, including all healthcare expenditures, were $105.5Billions

52.0% was spent on hospital outpatient or office-based provider visits.

23.2% on In-patient hospital stays

19.6% on Prescription medications

EDA in Python-(by Absalom Carlisle)

Visualization in Tableau-(by Absalom Carlisle)



Absalom Carlisle
Absalom Carlisle

Written by Absalom Carlisle


Absalom Carlisle is a specialist in strategic planning, project management, marketing, and business development, dedicated to deliver results.

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